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In Digital Marketing, Leveraging What You Have Gets You What You Want

In Digital Marketing, Leveraging What You Have Gets You What You Want

The ability to grow and scale your business requires developing a comprehensive marketing plan with clear and concise steps. It means boiling things down to their basic components, seeing what already works, and then implementing strategies that help you progress toward your goals over a period of time .

In modern, measurable digital marketing, we call that leveraging processes and tools already in place to boost sales and ROI.

But what does it really mean to leverage what you already have? And how can you determine which tools best serve your vision?

Leveraging Existing Technology and Processes

If you’re worried that your brand is losing out to its more technically advanced competitors, you’re not alone. It’s a challenge all marketers face. How do you market to a tech-savvy audience, especially that part of the population that’s grown up with technology?

The good news is you probably already have some of the digital marketing assets you need to get started on a full-fledged digital marketing strategy. If you have an existing Twitter feed, Facebook page, website, blog, email strategy, or other marketing channel, they can be leveraged to better connect with your current and prospective customers.

4 Ways to Leverage Digital Assets for Increased Engagement and Sales

Scalable marketing and sales strategies are key to growing your company in a sustainable way. And while the internet has greatly leveled the playing field, it’s also given birth to a lot more noise. Getting the attention of and reaching your audience is about more than a few growth hacks (though they serve their purpose).

Every year brands spend hundreds of thousands if not millions of dollars on acquiring customers. TV and radio ads, print media, pay-per-click, and other emerging strategies are funded with the hopes of improving audience engagement and loyalty.

Here are 4 ways to leverage your existing marketing tools to attract, engage, and retain new customers, beat your competition, and drive revenue.

  1. Expand how you think about content. As in, not every piece of content you create must be from scratch. Be it from your website, e-books, white papers, or email campaigns, recycling and repurposing content is one of the best ways to realize a maximum return from an asset you already own. White papers can be turned into multiple emails, infographics, a blog series, or explainer videos. Working smarter, not harder, with content can result in a far greater reach than you were previously achieving.

  2. Use technology to build content into the sales process. Does your organization currently use a CRM? Does your sales team follow the same global process? Adding content pieces to your CRM lets sales reps know what information has been historically proven to be effective at specific stages in the sales process. It’s a repeatable, measurable, scalable way to get prospects to become loyal customers. And just one piece of amazing content that may already be in your arsenal can provide incredible lift for your digital marketing. The key is making sure that use of that content is backed by data like website visitor experience, search tactics, social engagement goals, and so on.

  3. Streamline the process. Which social media platforms do you currently use? Are they helping you reach the right audience? It’s all well and good for people to say you “must” have a Facebook page and Twitter, Pinterest, and Instagram accounts. But if they’re not giving you the ROI you’re looking for, it might be more strategically sound to put your effort into one or two channels that are. In other words, don’t stress on having a presence on every platform. Put your efforts into creating content for those that are bringing you the best results.

  4. Revisit your sales list. If you aren’t getting the email open or click rates you want, or you’re seeing an increase in unsubscribe rates, it may be because you’re sending leads and customers information that doesn’t speak to their specific needs. Personalized emails deliver six times higher transaction rates so segmenting your sales list can help you get a huge leg up on the competition. While demographics is the most popular segmentation method, you can also use things like purchase history, click-through rates, website activity, and job title to ensure you’re reaching the right person, at the right time.

Leveraging Scalability

Of course, there’s much more to successful digital marketing than leveraging what you already own. Marketing and sales alignment, creating the right new content, and building an effective nurturing process are all key to scaling and growth. But working with what you have is a terrific first step that can jumpstart your future success.

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